Tag Archives: rock

New endeavour in Cardiff: Tracer Booking Agency – meet the team!

Here at We Are Cardiff, we love hearing about new businesses and ventures thriving. Tracer Booking Agency are newly in town, and we had the chance to speak to the founder. Read on!

Introduce yourself

Hi, I’m Rich, a music promoter, musician and freelance venue representative from Birmingham, living in Cardiff.

I’ve been in the music industry for around 15 years as a musician, promoter, and fan. I am the guitarist in Cardiff based Hyper-Fuzz band Death Cult Electric, and previous ticketing manager for Orchard Live, as well as working freelance for Sŵn Festival on multiple occasions.

What was your motivation to start this new venture?

I’d been out of the promoting world since January 2023, where I was running Tone Deaf Creatures promotions (along with my business partner Ethan John who now runs HMG promotions. Shout out to Ethan!) and I felt now was the time to get myself back into doing what I love, bringing my favourite bands to Cardiff and try to run the best events I can.

I was working for Orchard Live, working on the biggest and best events Wales had to offer. These included Queens Of The Stone Age and Bryan Adams in Cardiff Castle throughout 2022/23 and I’d learned a lot from my time there from everyone I came in contact with. I felt I needed to put all of this into a project of my own.

Why did you choose the name ‘Tracer Booking Agency‘?

The name had been on my mind for a while, but had recently changed its meaning. The name represents tracing over everything I have done and learned in my 15 years of being in the music industry. Start with all of that expertise and skills I have picked up and then build a bigger picture from there.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself

I have actually ‘Hassled the Hoff’ in a very bizarre situation including an angry taxi driver and a card company awards ceremony. That’s all you’re getting on that!

Any future plans for expansion?

I intend to move into artist management once I have a few more shows under my belt as Tracer Bookings, but I am always happy to offer advice to any musician or artist who needs it.

We will be expanding the team also, looking to bring in another person who has a passion for booking artists on tours and big support slots. Watch this space!

Any exciting upcoming gigs?

I’m super excited to be bringing one of my favourite bands, and good friends of mine, JOHNNY FOREIGNER to Clwb Ifor Bach on 12th June. Support comes from Cardiff favourites MY NAME IS IAN and Math-Pop newcomers GOOD THINGS (featuring members of SAMOANS, ROUGH MUSIC and MATTERS). Tickets are on sale via GIGANTIC and CLWB.NET.

Join the Facebook event here!

We are working behind the scenes on some exciting shows at a venue I’ve been looking forward  to be working with for some time, but you’ll have to wait for that!

How can people get in touch with you?

We are on Facebook and Instagram, and you can email us with you EPK or any press releases on TracerBookingAgency@gmail.com. I always love discovering new bands, so if you’re noisy, shouty, or have good riffs, please send them over!