LISTEN! We Are Haunted: a guide to the spirit city

Did you catch us earlier on Radio Cardiff? If not, no matter – you can listen back at your leisure … below!

I realised after listening back I wasn’t very good at saying what the songs were, so in order, they were as follows:

(the last three aren’t available on Spotify – other music streaming services are available – but I’ve linked through to where you can listen to them in full, if you are so inclined)

And are YOU headed to a Halloween party this weekend? The soundtrack will probably suck, so you should also check out Helia’s Halloween playlist. You are WELCOME.

BIG THANKS to the following people for making We Are Haunted possible:

Gareth Jones (aka Fireproof Giant, for composing all the original music and making the freaky sounds)
Jim Cowan
Kylie Ann Smith
Adie Delaney
Reverend Lionel Fanthorpe
Hannah Johnson
Ellie Pilott
Jon Pountney (for this amazing Cardiff Before Cardiff Facebook post where everyone in Cardiff told me about ALL the ghosts they had seen)
Bleddyn Preece
Mark Williams

You ROCK, kids! See you next time…

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