Tag Archives: techno

Deep and funky with The Organ Grinder

Many years ago, I used to work as the Saturday help in Cardiff’s much missed dance music store, Catapult Records (RIP). I met a load of interesting and talented people while I was working there, and one of those was Cayne Ramos – aka, The Organ Grinder.

the organ grinder cayne ramos

He’s released a clutch of cracking underground house tracks in recent times, with Graft Volume 1 hitting into the Juno House top ten. As well as producing some fabulous music, he’s also djed around the world. I grabbed Cayne for a quick Q&A.

Q. Graft went into the Juno house top ten! Have you got plans for any other releases this year?
A. Yes I’m planning Vol 2 for Graft now and hopefully Volume 3 for the end of the year. Also a few other releases with other labels, so stay tuned!

Q. Any DJing plans coming up?
A. I have a monthly residency with Memorex, and we got some serious parties planned for this year. Plus a few overseas dates which are being confirmed in the next few weeks.

Q. What artists are you listening to a lot at the mo?
A. I have a few artists that are doing it for me at the mo: house, Pascal Viscardi (Switzerland), Frits Wentink (Holland), Diego Krause (Germany). For techno, it’s Uvb (France), Fjaak (Germany) and Kamikaze Space Program (UK).

Q. What’s the best night out in Cardiff?
A. Ha! I’ve got to be a bit bias here and obviously say Memorex, but there are a few good nights in Cardiff which are booking serious artists like Delete, CityBass, Groove Theory, Blue Honey, Rotary Club … if you haven’t already I’d strongly suggest you check out any of the events above

Q. If you had some friends coming down to Cardiff for the weekend, what would you do with them? Where would you take them?
I’d take them to Caroline Street, Clark’s pie and chips and then a pint of Brains Dark at the Old Arcade … proper Kaardiff!

Then I’d take them on a little tour around Tiger Bay, explaining the rich history that Cardiff holds.

Find out more at:

The Organ Grinder Facebook page

Listen to The Organ Grinder – Crack mix

The Organ Grinder – Resident Advisor page

Memorex club night, Cardiff

organ grinder records


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