Glastonbury travel from Cardiff. Not going? Glasnost Festival at The Moon!

For those Cardiff people who are heading to Glastonbury this year (which includes me for the first time ever!), First Great Western have put up some information about public transport by train to the festival. Great news for those wanting to travel green; if only train tickets were cheaper, maybe more people would do it! But there we go, that’s what happens when things are privatised. Big thanks to the Conservatives of many years ago for that one. But I digress …

For those Cardiff people NOT going to Glastonbury this year, every year The Moon and The Full Moon on Womanby Street put on Glasnost;  a full few days of festivities, all arts and music related. Ideal for those who aren’t heading to the big G but still fancy getting their jig on. This year’s Glasnost looks better than ever – five days of bands, DJs, cabaret – and a five day pass is only £15!

glasnost 2014



100 days in Cardiff – the Glumms

We Are Cardiff contributor Jeremy Rees is recording his days in and around Cardiff with 100 photographs of local points of interest. We’ll be publishing some of them here on We Are Cardiff – and make sure you tune in to Jeremy as he presents the Saturday Soulful Breakfast on Radio Cardiff!

The Glumms

the glumms

“This bronze statue stands at the top of Churchill Way and I pass by it most days. It is called ‘Family’ and depicts a man, woman, boy and girl – none of whom look too happy it must be said. Seems like a rather odd subject for a city’s main shopping street and often looks incongruous as they look on to the promotional antics of whatever campaigning roadshow is trying to get shoppers attention on that day. Who can blame them for feeling bored and glum …”



Thanks Jeremy! Catch you next time…